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IRS is one of the most experienced radiation protection training providers in Europe

We have run courses for over 30 years, ranging from basic to postgraduate levels for all users of ionising and non-ionising radiation, irrespective of sector.

IRS courses cover all aspects of radiation protection required by employers to fulfil their legal duties under the Ionising Radiations Regulations (IRR) 2017 and the Ionising Radiations (Medical Exposure) Regulations (IR(ME)R) 2017, as well as more general aspects of the Health and Safety at Work Regulations.


Our Courses


IRS runs courses at both our Liverpool and Lichfield offices, as well as on-site at our customers’ preferred locations and other venues throughout the UK.

If you are interested in attending one of IRS’s regular RPS training courses, or would like to discuss bespoke training requirements, please refer to our upcoming course list or contact us directly for further details.



Online Courses

Please contact us for more information if you need to discuss remote/online training – we can work with you to find the solution you need.

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IRS's routine courses include, though are not limited to:

  • Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) training for general diagnostic imaging
  • Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) Refresher training for all imaging sectors
  • RPS training for nuclear medicine imaging
  • Dental radiography RPS training
  • Veterinary RPS training
  • Laser Protection Supervisor (LPS) training
  • LPS Refresher/Safety Awareness training
  • RPS training for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB)
  • Basic MRI physics training
  • Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) training for Referrers, Practitioners and Operators
  • Critical examination training for manufacturers/installers of radiological equipment
  • IR(ME)R training for Referrers, Practitioners and Operators
  • IR(ME)R training for non-medical Referrers
  • General Diagnostic Quality Assurance (QA) training
  • Mammography QA training
  • Mammography RPS training
  • X-Ray fundamentals training
  • Bespoke training tailored to your requirements


30 years of experience training the dental sector

The use of ionising radiation in dental practices is now well established. Such uses span a range of imaging modalities, including:

  • Intra-oral radiography employing digital image receptors,
  • OPG and Cephalomtric imaging within the routine clinical environment,
  • CBCT scanning with OPG facility.

Our courses provide the necessary core of knowledge instruction for radiation protection in dental practice. This supports your staff in their role as a Radiation Protection Supervisor, Operator or Practitioner in the dental field.


Why is this Important?


Training and competency are key elements of radiation safety programmes. Regulation 15 of the Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRR) 2017 is specifically concerned with information, instruction and training of all employees involved in the work with ionising radiation, including management. As required by Regulation 18 of IRR17, special emphasis should be placed on the training requirements of the Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS).

Also, Regulation 17 of the Ionising Radiations (Medical Exposure) Regulations (IR(ME)R) 2017 states that practitioners or operators must not carry out any medical exposure or any other related practical aspect without having been adequately trained.


Attendance at our certificated course will ensure compliance with all necessary requirements of both IRR 2017 and IR(ME)R 2017.


Our Courses


IRS runs courses at both our Liverpool and Lichfield offices, as well as on-site at our customers’ preferred locations and other venues throughout the UK.

If you are interested in attending one of IRS’s regular RPS training courses, or would like to discuss bespoke training requirements, please refer to our upcoming course list or contact us directly for further details.

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IRS is one of the leading UK providers of scientific and technical support services to hospitals and clinics

Ionising and non-ionising radiations play a major role in the provision of modern healthcare services and are used extensively in both diagnosis and therapy.

Diagnostic radiology is the largest single anthropogenic source of population exposure and is employed in a wide variety of imaging modalities.

IRS is an experienced training provider to the Healthcare sector and has run courses for over 30 years, ranging from basic to postgraduate levels for all users of ionising and non-ionising radiation.


Why is this important?


Training and competency are key elements of any safety system. Regulation 15 of the Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRR) 2017 is specifically concerned with information, instruction and training of all employees involved the work with ionising radiation. As required by Regulation 18 of IRR17, special emphasis should be placed on the training requirements of the Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS).

Also, Regulation 17 of the Ionising Radiations (Medical Exposure) Regulations (IR(ME)R) 2017 states that practitioners or operators must not carry out any medical exposure or any other related practical aspect without having been adequately trained.

Training should be appropriate to the nature of the work and the needs of the individual. Employers are advised to consult with their RPA when assessing training needs and training records may be helpful in identifying an individual’s further training requirements.


Course topics include, though are not limited to:

  • Radiation Protection Supervisors, Operators and Practitioners core of knowledge course
  • Radiation Protection Supervisors refresher and update course
  • Laser Protection Supervisors course
  • Laser safety course


Attendance at our certificated course will ensure compliance with all necessary requirements of both IRR 2017 and IR(ME)R 2017.


Our Courses


IRS runs courses at both our Liverpool and Lichfield offices, as well as on-site at our customers’ preferred locations and other venues throughout the UK.

If you are interested in attending one of IRS’s regular RPS training courses, or would like to discuss bespoke training requirements, please refer to our upcoming course list or contact us directly for further details.

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Why Train with IRS?

IRS has extensive experience in the provision of scientific and technical support services to hospitals and clinics, covering all therapeutic and diagnostic applications. We are uniquely placed to bring a wealth of practical knowledge and understanding to the training needs of those staff who work with ionising and non-ionising radiations in healthcare.

Our staff possess decades of experience in the organisation and delivery of training courses for the healthcare sector, with an extremely large library of suitable teaching material. Our in-house CPD and RnD programmes also ensure that all our lecturers are fully up to date with best practice in the application of ionising and non-ionising radiations in healthcare.

We run courses dealing with all aspects of radiation protection that are required by employers for fulfilment of their legal duties under the Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRR) 2017 and Ionising Radiations Medical Exposure Regulations (IRMER) 2017, as well as more general aspects of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

We can provide courses in Liverpool, using our in-house education and training facilities, or elsewhere throughout the UK, based on your requirements. Courses can be tailored to suit local needs; from half day sessions aimed at update/refresher requirements, or more in-depth courses that may run for up to a week.

Working with customers engaged in challenging and complex environments all over the world

The use of ionising radiation in industrial applications is extensive. Such uses span the full range of industrial applications, ranging from:

  • Non-destructive testing
  • Building and Construction Industries
  • Industrial Materials
  • Tunnelling and Civil Works
  • Equipment Manufacturers – Industrial and Medical
  • Architectural Design
  • Utilities
  • Automotive and Transport
  • Density Gauges and Material Testing
  • Radon and Environmental Monitoring
  • Nutrition and Food Products


Why is this important?


IRS’s courses for Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS) and those involved in the use of ionising radiations ensure that participants receive the necessary core of knowledge instruction in radiation protection to support their role in industrial practices.

Our course content has been developed to meet requirements outlined in Regulation 18 of IRR17 concerned with local rules and the RPS.

The following topics are covered by our team of experienced lecturers:

  • Sources of Ionising Radiations
  • Biological Effects
  • Interactions with Materials – Attenuation and Scatter
  • Principles of Radiation Protection
  • The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017
  • Risk Assessments
  • Implementing Radiation Safety Local Rules and the Role of the RPS
  • Personal Monitoring
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Discussion is encouraged since practical problems encountered locally can enhance the learning process for all participants. Course material can be tailored to meet specific individual requirements.


Attendance at our certificated course will ensure compliance with all necessary requirements of IRR 2017.


Our Courses


IRS runs courses at both our Liverpool and Lichfield offices, as well as on-site at our customers’ preferred locations and other venues throughout the UK.

If you are interested in attending one of IRS’s regular RPS training courses, or would like to discuss bespoke training requirements, please refer to our upcoming course list or contact us directly for further details.


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Extensive, practical experience working in high security environments

The use of ionising radiation in the field of security is now well established and extensive. Such uses span the full range of security applications ranging from:

  • Baggage checks at airports
  • Baggage and vehicle checks at ports
  • Low dose imaging for contraband
  • Detection of explosives
  • Security scanners at prisons and other high security environments
  • Detection of metal and high density objects


Why is this important?


IRS’s courses for Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS) and those involved in the use of ionising radiations ensures participants receive the necessary core of knowledge instruction in radiation protection to support their security role whilst considering the safety of workers and the general public.


Our course content has been developed to meet requirements outlined in Regulation 18 of IRR17, concerned with local rules and the Radiation Protection Supervisor.

The following topics are covered by our team of experienced lecturers:

  • Nature of Ionising Radiation and Biological Effects
  • Risks from Ionising Radiation and Principles of Radiation Protection
  • Dose Quantities and Measurement of Ionising Radiation
  • The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017
  • Performing a Risk Assessment
  • Implementing Radiation Safety – Local Rules and the Role of the RPS
  • Radiation Safety Features of Security Scanners

Discussion is encouraged since practical problems encountered locally can enhance the learning process for all participants. Course material can be tailored to meet specific individual requirements.


Attendance at our certificated course will ensure compliance with all necessary requirements of IRR 2017.


Our Courses


IRS runs courses at both our Liverpool and Lichfield offices, as well as on-site at our customers’ preferred locations and other venues throughout the UK.

If you are interested in attending one of IRS’s regular RPS training courses, or would like to discuss bespoke training requirements, please refer to our upcoming course list or contact us directly for further details.

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Helping your veterinary practice operate safely

The use of ionising radiation for veterinary patient care is now more diverse than ever.  Such uses span the full range of imaging modalities, including:

  • Small animal radiography employing digital image receptors
  • Dental imaging within the routine veterinary environment
  • Computed Tomography (CT) scanning
  • Large animal (equine) field applications
  • Iodine-131 treatments


Why is this important?


Training and competency are key elements of any safety system. Regulation 15 of the Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRR) 2017 is specifically concerned with information, instruction and training of all employees involved the work with ionising radiation. As required by Regulation 18 of IRR17, special emphasis should be placed on the training requirements of the Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS).


Attendance at our certificated course will ensure compliance with all necessary requirements of IRR 2017.


Our Courses


IRS runs courses at both our Liverpool and Lichfield offices, as well as on-site at our customers’ preferred locations and other venues throughout the UK.

If you are interested in attending one of IRS’s regular RPS training courses, or would like to discuss bespoke training requirements, please refer to our upcoming course list or contact us directly for further details.

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Safeguarding staff and students

Ionising radiations and radioisotopes are employed routinely in schools, colleges and universities as part of teaching programmes.

IRS’s radiation protection courses for the education sector are designed to fulfil the knowledge requirements of the CLEAPSS guidance; ‘Managing Ionising Radiations and Radioactive Substances in Schools, etc’.


Why is this important?


Training and competency are key elements of any safety system. Regulation 15 of the Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRR) 2017 is specifically concerned with information, instruction and training of all employees involved the work with ionising radiation. As required by Regulation 18 of IRR17, special emphasis should be placed on the training requirements of the Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS).

Training should be appropriate to the nature of the work and the needs of the individual. In the education environment, where radioactive sources are often used for teaching purposes, it is important that those handling or managing sources are appropriately trained.


Attendance at our certificated course will ensure compliance with all necessary requirements of IRR 2017.


Our Courses


IRS runs courses at both our Liverpool and Lichfield offices, as well as on-site at our customers’ preferred locations and other venues throughout the UK.

If you are interested in attending one of IRS’s regular RPS training courses, or would like to discuss bespoke training requirements, please refer to our upcoming course list or contact us directly for further details.

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