Updated Process for Employers with (or Requiring) HSE Consent under IRR17

As of 1st October 2023, the HSE have implemented a new process for obtaining a Consent as defined under IRR17.  A Consent is required for a number of practices including the administration of radiopharmaceuticals to patients.

Employers who have been undertaking this or other consentable practices since at least 2018 should already have an existing Consent or Consents, however the HSE are requiring that all existing Consents are transferred over to their new system.

No action is required from any Employer until the HSE contact them to being the transfer process and ay existing Consents remain valid until the transfer process is completed.

IRS advise that Employer become familiar with the new Consent process and the requirements in advance of being contacted by the HSE for the transfer.

The transfer process will involve completing an online “Safety Assessment” which is a number of questions to be completed and a number of documents to be attached. The information requested as part of the safety assessment includes:

  • A summary of the practice
  • A summary of the arrangements for managing radiation protection
  • The number of staff dose level investigation reports undertaken in the last year
  • Details of how the RPS is given sufficient time and resources to supervise the work
  • Workload information
  • Details of other sources of radiation
  • Radon risk assessment
  • Copy of your suitable and sufficient risk assessment
  • Summary of engineering control testing schedule
  • Critical examinations
  • Summary of dose rate and environmental monitoring regime
  • Summary of personal dosimetry
  • Rationale for designating employees as classified workers
  • Summary of training
  • Summary of informaiton supplied to pregnant and/or breastfeeding employees
  • Evidence of the applicability of REPPIR
  • Copy of local rules
  • Copy of contingency plans

Once the safety assessment has been submitted, it is reviewed by an inspector.  The HSE allow only one feedback opportunity.

Once the safety assessment has been accepted, the HSE will arrange for a site visit to inspect against the contents for the safety assessment.  Again, there is only one opportunity for feedback.

If following a second review of the safety assessment or a second visit the inspector deems the Employer does not meet the requirements of IRR17, the transfer will be closed, the Consent revoked